Sunday, September 15, 2013

It was a Global Flood

These past two weeks in school we have been looking into Genesis: creation through, as of now, Noah's flood. I think that there is something that God wants me—or one of you to know through this because in both Geology and Old Testament History (Bible Class) the flood is the main topic right now. I am learning about why Noah's flood was a worldwide flood—NOT a local flood. Here is some biblical evidence why it was a global flood.
A sketch of the flood that I doodled.
  1. The highest mountain tops were covered with approximately seventy-five feet of water.
  2. An ark was needed to survive rather than just move to a safe place away from where the flood would take place for the time being.
  3. The ark landed on a mountain top— the mountain of Ararat!
  4. After the ark was grounded, it took Noah and his family over 70 days to see the other mountain tops!
  5. The rainbow was God's sign that he would never again flood the earth with such a flood. If it was a local flood, then God had broken his promise many, many times.
  6. In the New Testament Jesus referred to the global flood that “took them all away”.
These are all reasons why it was a global flood not a local flood.
Also, man has found that 75% of the surface of the continents are covered with sedimentary rock averaging one mile deep to as much as ten miles deep. An example is Mount St. Helens that erupted in 1980 where thick sedimentary deposits which consist of 1000s of very thin layers, were deposited in just a few hours.
Besides this, we find billions of fossils buried in the rock layers ALL OVER THE EARTH. To me, Noah's flood is great evidence for the truth of all of God's word.


  1. Very interesting Bethany! Keep us the good work! Isn't home education the best??!!!!

    Love, Kierstyn

  2. Do you guys do Answers in Genesis science? My daughter uses it and they love it for their read a loud group time. This year they are also using Apologia science. I helped her set up daily schedules and it looks really good too. :-)
    Mrs. M

    1. We have Answers in Genesis material and use it in class but I got this information from a geology book from Creation Book Publishers by Michael Oard. I did not know that you have a daughter home school age. What is her name? How old is she?

  3. Absolutely! I agree! Have you heard of Answers in Genesis? So much of what you said I've read in one of their books. They have amazing books to read. I love your testimony of what you have just written. Keep up the good work!

    1. Yes, I was actually thinking of posting the link of Answers in Genesis but I decided not to go through all the trouble. I got this information from a geology book from Creation Book Publishers by Michael Oard.

  4. Amen, Bethany! God is showing you wonderful things! He also says in His Word that it covered the whole earth, and if it was a local flood there wouldn't have been a way to contain the waters---they need a container! So proud of you!

    1. Thanks dad. I know that you are proud of me but it probably has something to do with me having the two best teachers in the whole world! Love you!

  5. That is way cool! My dad also showed me that Methuselah died in the same year as the flood. Not in the flood though. That's just another great example of God's perfect timing!

    1. Yes! I love finding more examples of this too.


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Bethany R.