Wednesday, July 17, 2013

From A Granddaughter's Perspective

A Sea Turtle at the Monterey Bay Aquarium

An Icelandic Horse
The last week of June- first week of July my sister and I went to visit our grandma and grandpa in Pacific Grove for 8 days. We visited the Monterey Bay Aquarium and the nearby park. We also enjoyed staying at home watching movies and cartoons. My sister and I decided to put on a skit for our grandparents. It was about the Revolutionary War since it was around the Fourth of July. It was a lot of work writing it up, getting props, and practicing, but we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. We also went to our grandma's church both Sundays. One day, we had the unique experience of both seeing and petting Icelandic Horses at our grandma's friend's house in Carmel Valley. At night, after my sister had gone to bed, I had some good time to talk with both my grandparents.

The Fourth of July became a memorable day for both my sister and me. It began when Grandma, my sister, and I as well as two of Grandma's neighbors went to a parade in Monterey. Afterward we went to a cafe down the street. After we dropped off the neighbors at their house, we went to the beach. There our grandma rented us a boogie board and we enjoyed using it but it could not compare to what happened next. We met a lady who was letting kids, who looked like her grandchildren, ride little waves on her surfboard and we asked if we might ride. Kindly, she said “Sure!” That Fourth of July we will never forget because it was a dream come true for both my sister and me. Sunday the 7th, our parents came up and we enjoyed our traditional pizza. Then we spent our last night before going to a coffee shop the next day and heading home.
A large inflatable birthday cake at a Fourth of July parade

Both my grandpa and I think this was one of the best trips we've had in a long time. Thank you, Grandma for setting aside your time and making this such a wonderful trip! Thanks, Grandpa for taking the time to talk to me in the evenings as well as letting me take your morning walks with you and all the other things you did to make this trip awesome! I know that grandparents are a gift from God. So, thanks, Lord!


  1. I like your blog so far.Of course I did help a bit.I love you.I can't wait to see the next post!

    1. Thanks for your help! You're the bomb! I'll keep you updated!

  2. What a fun vacation! The part that touched my heart the most is that you went for morning walks with your grandpa. Many young people would find that boring, but not you! You are such a unique and special young lady. I am blessed to be your honorary aunt. Love you! Aunt Army Ant

    P.S. Who is Surfer Gal? I'm guessing she is my other honorary niece. Am I right?

  3. I LOOVE to walk with my grandpa. Thanks for the comment Auntie Amy. Yes, surfer gal is your honorary niece... how did you guess? *laughing*


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Bethany R.